Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Introduction ;)

I guess I should introduce us and give you a little bit of history! Thank you for stopping by!

My name is Amanda and I am married to J.J. I am 26 years old, he is 25 and we are high school sweethearts you could say! We have been together for almost 8 years now (this upcoming May) and are more in love then ever!!! We have always talked about having children, I came from a young mum and always wanted kids at a younger age and J.J.'s mum raised him with a home daycare business! Being the oldest of her children he was always helping out with the kids and to this day he just shines his brightest when around children <3>

In January 2007 we made the decision for me to stop taking Birth Control pills after almost 7 years of me being on them! It took a few months but my cycle seemed to become regular. After the wedding we got the go ahead from the Doctor and we officially began TTC!!!

We are now on Cycle # 7 .... we have been TTC for almost 8 months and still no baby belly :( We never thought it would be so hard to become pregnant ... We never pictured ourselves charting and buying special lubricants and such ... We honestly thought it would just happen. Not the case :P

With each cycle that comes to an end I wonder more and more if there is something wrong? I do seem to Ovulate according to my charting but my LP seems to get longer and shorter and longer .... I don't get it? Last cycle was 42 days long and the previous 2 were 31 days (I thought FINALLY I was back on track again after those 2 and them BAM 42 days!?!? WTH!!!) The cycle before that one was 41 days ..... I know in my gut I have to make an appt with the doc soon to look into this issue. I am going to see what this cycle brings first ... we are going to try "Pre Seed" (a sperm friendly lube) this month to help those little swimmers meet thier target and we have heard this can bring a GREAT success ;) *Fingers Crossed* and of course I will continue my temping and opks to confirm that I do O and to gather more info to take in to the dr if need be.

I also have to mention a wonderful forum I found back in the summer ... I have met the most AMAZING ladies there and it is so wonderful to have sisters to share the ups and downs of this journey with :dothug: he he he They are soooo full of support, love and advice and have truly taught me so very much about TTC and our CRAZY womanly bodies ;) I truly admire each and every one of those girls and it is soooooooo fun to see members getting pregnant and graduating on to the due date forums! I have never ventured into the internet world until I found the forum and since then I have discovered a whole new world LOL Look at me, I'm blogging :P hahaha

Ok ok enough ramble :P

I shall bugger off now but just wanted to say that I am excited to be able to write here and share our journey with you :)

Here's hoping we can change this into a pregnancy blog sooner then later!!!!
